Local Governing Board
Welcome to the section of the website where you can find out more about the school’s governors and the work that we do.
Wallace Fields Infant School & Nursery joined South Farnham Educational Trust (SFET) in September 2021. SFET is a Multi-Academy Trust created in January 2015 and is made up of 8 primary schools - South Farnham School, Highfield South Farnham School, the Raleigh School, Wallace Fields Infant School & Nursery, Great Bookham Primary School, Busbridge Infant School, Kingsfurlong Infant School, Normandy Village Primary School and 2 secondary schools; Brighton Hill Secondary School, Blue Coat Secondary School, alongside Surrey South Farnham SCITT (School-centred Initial Teacher Training) and South Farnham Teaching School Hub which deliver the new Early Career Teacher Framework (Wallace Fields Infant School & Nursery are proud to be their Epsom delivery partner).
The Board of Directors of the Trust have delegated certain functions to be locally managed, which means that the Local Governing Board of WFIS & Nursery has general responsibility for the effective management of the school, allowing individual pupil needs to be met effectively. Local governors are able to target resources and develop the nature and character of the school to effectively meet the needs and wishes of parents, children and teachers. To see more information about our membership, attendance and business interests, please see:
As Governors we will work as a team with staff and parents to ensure children achieve of their best in all aspects of school life. Our vision for our children is evidenced in the following:
SFET aims and ethos
“We have a commitment to, and are accountable for, a shared drive for excellence in all aspects of educational provision. All staff will be valued and will be provided with a safe and professional working environment. There will be high expectation and challenge for every pupil to fully develop and achieve intellectually, physically, socially and aesthetically.”
WFIS & Nursery aims and ethos:
All children at Wallace Fields Infant School & Nursery will be happy successful learners who achieve their full potential and develop a lifetime love of reading and learning in a safe, secure environment. We work together as a whole school team to seek to achieve “High Achievement and Success with a Smile” by being values led; our values and ethos underpin all that we do!
WFIS & Nursery values:
Kindness•Determination • Effort • Friendship • Good manners • Respect • Reflection
We want to see WFIS & Nursery continue to provide outstanding provision. So as Governors, we aim to:
Ensure a shared drive for excellence.
We work closely with the headteacher to ensure a cycle of continuous improvement. Governors are each linked to school priorities and academic areas. We undertake regular visits to school relating to our specific responsibilities through the “Governor of the Month” programme. We ensure the highest standard of support for all children (including vulnerable learners, pupil premium, children with special educational and/or medical needs and English as an Additional Language) so that all children can achieve their full potential. We will ensure that the school plays their part in raising national standards in education through sharing good practice with other school and teachers across the country.
Develop the Governing Body to provide the very highest level of challenge, rigour and strategic support to the school.
Support the headteacher, Senior Leadership Team and subject leaders, while also providing constructive challenge, to ensure the best outcomes for children are achieved. We regularly evaluate strategic plans and policies through Governing Board meetings and provide input into school development plans. We are focussed both on the school’s immediate future as well as longer term plans. We also ensure WFIS & Nursery is financially sound, making best use of its income in ways which have a positive impact on the quality of education. All governors take an active part in ensuring that the school fulfils its statutory duties, including those around equalities and safeguarding.
Promote open and visible styles of governorship within the school community in order to ensure that parents and pupils are being heard and involved.
We strive to create a school community in which all parents and carers, pupils, staff and visitors feel welcomed and valued. We aim to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to contribute to the development of the school - both through formal mechanisms like parent surveys and forums as well as making ourselves available during Governor visit days throughout the year. We encourage our school community to share their ideas with us. We also aim to learn from others: working in collaboration with other schools in SFET and the wider education community to share best practices and ensure that all pupils receive the best provision possible.
The Governing Body is made up of individuals with a broad range of skills who collectively help to set and implement the aims, ethos and strategic direction of the school. We all volunteer our time. The Local Governing Board meet regularly to discuss a wide range of school issues and the Co-Chairs of the Local Governing Board additionally meet the Co-Heads on a tri-weekly basis. Each Governor has an area of responsibility. To find out more about our Governing Body please click here.